Accompanying the exhibition will be “Sublimated Los Angeles”, a film series highlighting little-seen films either shot in or with strong ties to Los Angeles and suppressed for various reasons: Play it as it Lays, based on Joan Didionʼs screenplay from her novel, was considered a failure, rarely screened after its initial release, and never released in either VHS or DVD form; Pot-smoking star Arnold Schwarzenegger attempted to suppress Pumping Iron prior to his campaign for governor of California; the 3-D version of Hitchcockʼs Dial M for Murder was quickly pulled from distribution following the crash of the first wave of 3-D films; and Let There Be Light, Hollywood director John Hustonʼs (The Maltese Falcon) documentary featuring soldiers suffering from ʻpsychoneurosis anxiety stateʼ was banned by the U.S. government for 30 years.
Seven Los Angeles Artists: Film Showcase
Curators Lab Exhibition