6H to 8B: Opening Reception

September 19, 2015
Fellows office

The opening reception for 6H to 8B was a huge success– not only was it very well attended but also included celebrity sightings.  Congratulations to  Curator Syndey Croskery and Fellows Curators Lab Chair Connie McCreight and co-chair Anne Brilliant.

Shown below are photos from the opening taken by Linda Maggard and Sydney Croskery.

Michael Michael Dee, 78,2015,Graphite/Resin:dimensions variable (78 cast .308 Winchester cartridges), .308 inches by 2.8 inches

top: top: John Geary,Pug (looking), 2013 Charcoal on Paper,29 x 39 inches bottom: Colin Cook (with Bill Shambaugh), Portrait of the Artist with a Pretty Girl (Tree), 2015,Pencil and Graphite Powder on Paper,17 3/8 x 21 1/4 inches

Chloe Chloe Boleyn: In Plain Sight 2015,Graphite on Cut Paper, 72 x 36 inches


Curators Lab Exhibition

6H to 8B

September 19, 2015 - November 13, 2015
Artist: Chloe Boleyn, Colin Cook, Bill Shambaugh, Brian Cooper, Sydney Croskery, Tony de los Reyes, Michael Dee, John Geary, Tanya Haden, Kiel Johnson, Susan Logoreci, Claudia Parducci, Yuval Pudik, Antonio Puleo, Rob Reynolds, Aili Schmeltz, Marissa Textor, Eric Yahnker
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