

Fellows of Contemporary Art (FOCA) is a non-profit, membership-based organization that is devoted exclusively to California contemporary art with more than 45 years of archives. Membership-based funding for grants supports emerging and mid-career artists.

FOCA plays a pivotal role in influential contemporary art exhibitions while providing interesting activities for its members.

our mission

The Fellows of Contemporary Art support emerging and mid-career California artists through awards, exhibitions including accompanying catalogs, and diverse educational events for its members.

who weare

Founded in 1975, FOCA was associated with the Pasadena Art Museum. Today, completely independent and well respected in the art community, nearly 200 members enjoy a variety of events and rewarding activities with other passionate California contemporary art enthusiasts. Our dues support FOCA’s mission.

our vision

FOCA’s vision is to build on its nearly 50-year heritage and inspire new art experiences for its members as well as expand its engagement and support of the California contemporary art community.

2025 Board of Directors

ChairPam Smith
Vice ChairGrace Oh
TreasurerNoriko Fujinami & Kay Han
SecretaryLinda Rosenbaum
Endowment ChairRobert Edelstein 
Curators AwardPaul Wieselmann & Linda Maggard
FOCAFellowshipsCandace Lee & Morgan Schoonhoven
Curators LabTo be appointed
MembershipVicki Scheele & Connie McCreight
Local ToursLinnéa Spransy & Peri-Ellen Berne
Art ConversationsGina Posalski & Janice Wallace
TravelSandra Nichols & Raquel Lewitt & Joan Oliver
Special EventsAnne Brilliant and Erica Min
Members at LargeFreya Ivener & Kate Ingold & Niki Horwich

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